Barry Stone is a man with an inspirational story for all people struggling with substance abuse. Stone’s life was going down the drain but he got a second chance after gardening came to his rescue; he fell in love with gardening in 2013 after he…
Category: Bromeliads

How to take care of your indoor Bromeliads
Your bromeliad house plant is quite different from other indoor plants, it consumes water and nutrients through its leaves. It is therefore important to note that special care should be taken when potting, feeding and watering this plant. Generally, bromeliads have a short lifespan since…

Tips for Using Bromeliads in Your Interior
As a true bromeliads fan, you understand that there can never be too many plants. But what should one do when there is a bunch of them? Use bromeliads for home decorating!

Growing bromeliads
Should I fertilise my bromeliads. If so when and how? Bromeliads will grow very well in the open garden without fertilising but you will have a much more colourful and stronger plant if careful feeding is carried out. Fertilise only in the warmer months with…

How to mount Bromeliads
Most varieties of bromeliads are excellent plants for mounting. They are epiphytic not parasitic and present no threat to the tree on which they are mounted. Their strong, wiry roots are for attachment only. There are many mediums you may use for mounting bromeliads –…

Interesting facts about Bromeliads
Did you know that the Pineapple (Ananas) is one of the best-known members of the Bromeliad family? Christopher Columbus introduced the pineapple to Europe after his second voyage to the New World in 1493. The succulent plant was called Anana or “excellent fruit” by the…